Friday, September 6, 2013

My Summer

Well summer is over. It's been a good one. I quit worrying so much about my number on the scale and started focusing more on how my clothes were fitting. I started taking some core classes at the gym instead of all cardio. The treadmill and eliptical can get darn boring. I actually wore a pair of shorts a few weeks ago that I had been saving for about 7 or 8 years. I can wear them now! And I bought a new swimsuit and love how I look in it. I've still lost about 25 lbs but I'm in a size 12 - down from a size 16 a year ago at this time. Feeling pretty good! This month will mark a year since I made my lifestyle change. This summer we also found out the hubby has Type 2 diabetes. Soooo I've been on a quest to get the family eating healthier. It's working but it's a constant struggle. Mady doesn't like most of it but I figure if she at least sees us eating healthy she might change her opinion about what is good. I can remember being 14 and not liking alot of the good food. Hey I know this post is kind of boring but at least I did one.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Man I'm not very good at this blog thing yet.  But I'm going to try and get better.  We have a trip planned in April to Puerto Rico.  I've been on a weight loss mission since September 2012 and I've lost 21 lbs.  But about 2 weeks ago I kind of stalled out.  So last week I didn't go to the gym at all.  Today I started back up and am really going to try and zap out another 10 lb loss by our trip.  That would put me at 168 lbs.  Not where I want to be at permanently but I'm determined.  My clothes are fitting much better but they are size 12s and 14s.  When I started back in September I was almost busting out of a size 16 (scary). 

Some of the things I'm looking forward to this summer after losing weight?  Let me give you a little list...

putting on a tank top and not having a big protuding tummy
shorts that fit again
sundresses that don't make me look like a house
more energy
a side view of me riding my motorcycle that doesn't have my tummy hanging over my jeans
a new belt (my XLs are too big now)
looking HOT in my motorcycle vest (last year I could barely keep the darn thing buttoned)
buying a new bathing suit

I love summer veggies so I hope my diet will keep getting better too!  Stay tuned....